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… And the Clock Struck Midnight


Download a printable PDF of the original Fractured Lace fairy tale, ‘…And the Clock Struck Midnght’.

… And the clock struck midnight. A gilded carriage bobbled and morphed back into the pumpkin it used to be. Handsome footmen suddenly found themselves transmogrified into confused (but still quite handsome) lizards. On a stair, a fair maiden lost her slipper.

A fine and noble steed shied and stamped in resistance, but it too grew smaller. Soon it was naught more than a tiny white mouse, surrounded by five just like it.

The little mouse’s name was Cedric. And as his companions scattered into the dark of the night, Cedric knew one thing for sure: he was no longer meant to be a mouse…

This PDF digital download is for your own personal use only. Please do not redistribute or republish in any way. This single page short story is the original copyrighted work of Kat Johnston, and is suitable for all ages.


Download a printable PDF of the original Fractured Lace fairy tale, ‘…And the Clock Struck Midnght’.

… And the clock struck midnight. A gilded carriage bobbled and morphed back into the pumpkin it used to be. Handsome footmen suddenly found themselves transmogrified into confused (but still quite handsome) lizards. On a stair, a fair maiden lost her slipper.

A fine and noble steed shied and stamped in resistance, but it too grew smaller. Soon it was naught more than a tiny white mouse, surrounded by five just like it.

The little mouse’s name was Cedric. And as his companions scattered into the dark of the night, Cedric knew one thing for sure: he was no longer meant to be a mouse…

This PDF digital download is for your own personal use only. Please do not redistribute or republish in any way. This single page short story is the original copyrighted work of Kat Johnston, and is suitable for all ages.